45 Card Game for Beginners
1.15pm -2.30pm
Douglas Community Centre
€3 per class
Line Dancing with Dancing Derek
3.00pm - 4.00pm
Douglas Community Centre
€10 per class
Park Walk, part of the Step-up to Your Health initiative
11.00 am – 12.00pm
Douglas Community Park
Knitting & Crafts
2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
Parish Hall, St. Columba's Church
€4 per class
11.00 am – 1.00 pm
Douglas GAA Hall
2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
€7 per session
Parish Hall, St. Columba's Church
11.00am – 12.00pm
Douglas Library
CETB Computer and iPad classes
Date to be advised
In 2019, we embarked on a mission to increase physical activity and improve the health of our older participants. We teamed up with the School of Applied Psychology UCC to increase our physical activity by means of a step tracker. The far reaching benefits of increased physical activity are well known boosting physical and mental health. Physical activity is good for wellbeing, both body and brain. Research shows that physical activity can help protect the cognitive health of older adults.
We run weekly classes that are beginner-friendly, where the focus is on developing friendships and improving your hand-eye co-ordination. However, the Young @ Heart Knitters aren’t just making our crafts for the fun of it. Our knitting and crochet skills are now in demand in St. Columba’s School, Douglas, where we teach the craft to 2nd class girls and basic sewing skills to 3rd class boys. We also provide handmade hats, blankets and cuddly toys for the premature babies in the Neonatal Ward of Cork University Maternity Hospital.
We are hugely proud to be the first organisation to introduce the sport of Kurling to Cork. The version of the game that we practise is played indoors on a smooth, flat surface, such as a sports hall. We regard Kurling as being special because of it’s unique ability to bring people of all ages and abilities together in fun and friendship. We aim to continue to bring the benefits of Kurling to communities throughout Cork City and Cork County so that a network of communities can pit their skills against one another in regular tournaments.
We give out practical prizes for every day use. During the interval, we serve tea, coffee and snacks. This is a chance for participants to chat and joke amongst themselves and form the bonds that help keep them “young at heart.” New participants are always welcome!
Back in 2007, transition year students from Douglas Community School taught basic computer skills to members of Douglas Young @ Heart. This was the beginning of the programme that became “Log On & Learn.” Today, this course is run by the CETB and they provide the participants with official certification if they complete the 6 to 8 week course.
Tai-chi is the best form of gentle exercise and has great health benefits. Douglas Young @ Heart learn the short form of tai-chi in Douglas Library. It is fun, it helps with balance, it encourages you to keep your spine straight.
Over a period of time, you memorise a graceful, dance-like routine. This results in the learning of prayer attitude of relaxation involving the whole body. Whether you are fit or weak, you develop grace, co-ordination and balance.
Each Wednesday, between 10:30am and 11:30am, the Young @ Heart hold the weekly Keep Fit Exercise Programme in Abodo Gym in Unit C, Dosco Indutrial Estate, South Douglas Road, T12 FK7W.
With the assistance of personal trainers, Lucy and Chris, the group learn about the importance of exercise for maintaining your health and well being. The hope is for participants to improve their flexibility and balance and build up your strength. The group will also receive information on diet and nutrition.
Keep Fit classes are important for mobility and remaining active.