The Young @ Heart Care-Ring Friendly Phone Service supports senior citizens living alone in Douglas and surrounding areas. It is a social call, a listening ear and a friendly voice.
Our volunteers have been trained and vetted by the HSE and an Garda Siochána. They can also make people aware of other services available to them in the area. Some recipients have even become involved in activities organised by Douglas Young @ Heart.
The Senior Alerts Scheme (SAS) is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and is administered by Pobal. It gives the recipient with a great sense of security and peace of mind. The alarm can be worn as a pendant or around the wrist like a watch. When pressed, it connects wirelessly to a base unit, usually to a phone. This base unit immediately send a call to a 24 hour monitoring centre.
It purpose is to enable people to continue to live securely in their homes with confidence, independence and peace of mind by providing them with a free personal monitored alarm. People who benefit from these alarms are able to remain in their own homes and no longer feel isolated if living alone. They no longer are afraid to venture out their gardens in case of a fall.
We are the designated organisation for Senior Alerts Scheme in Douglas and the surrounding communities. The service is available to those 65 years and older.